My teaching portfolio consist of courses, individual lectures and workshops in history of Russia and Poland in the 20th century, methodology of the area studies, and digital research methods.
Full Courses
Cultural Data Analytics I and Cultural Data Analytics II, co-teacher with Maximilian Schich, Andres Karjus, Ksenia Mukhina, Mikhail Tamm, and Vejune Zemaityte, my area: network analysis and cultural history, Masters’ level method course / Baltic Film, Media, and Art School, Tallinn University, Estonia, spring-autumn 2021, spring-autumn 2022, and spring-autumn 2023, spring 2024.
Big dataa teoriassa ja käytännössä [In English: Big Data in Theory and Practice] Arts University, Finland, September-October 2020.
Oral History – Theory, Practice and Uses. Case Montand in the USSR, joint course with Ekaterina Lapina-Kratasyuk, the Higher School of Economics in Moscow in September-November 2019.
Digital Text Analysis in East European Studies, web-based coursework and a four-day workshop, October 22 – December 21, 2018. University of Turku & University of Helsinki (Aleksanteri Institute, ECEBB and ExpREES)
Methodology seminar for master students in Russian and East European studies, April 24th-25th, 2014 and April 25th-26th, 2013. Aleksanteri Institute, ECEBB and Masters´ school.
Kulutuskulttuuri sosialistisessa Puolassa. (In English: Consumer Culture in Socialist Poland) A web course with an introductory intensive day held in January 22-February 24, 2013. University of Turku & Aleksanteri Institute, ECEBB and Masters´ school.
Drugi obieg. Vaihtoehtoinen kulttuuri Puolassa 1956-1989, course on alternative culture in Poland in 1956-1989 consisting of eight lectures 23.1.-15.2.2007, Aleksanteri Institute, ECEBB.
Individual lectures
Digital Research Methods in Humanities – section (together with Mark Mets and Antonina Korepanova) of the Methods in Humanities Research course for all Master’s Students, School of Humanities, Tallinn University. Video lecture and three face-to-face workshops dedicated to different methods. Autumn 2022 and autumn 2023.
Exploring Visual Media – The Kinokroonika Project –lecture as part of the “Introduction to Digital Humanities” course, School of Humanities, Tallinn University, November 28, 2022.
Digital History and Eastern Europe –lecture as part of “Digital East: An Area Entangled in the Web of Data” course, Freie Universität, Berlin, Germany, February 16, 2022.
Uncovering the Formation of Fake History Narratives, a keynote lecture at the Baltic Summer School of Digital Humanities 2021: “Digital Methods in Humanities and Social Sciences”, Tallinn, Estonia, August 24, 2021.
Yves Montand Moskovassa (in English: Yves Montand in Moscow) in connection with Cultural Cold War -course, organized by Pia Koivunen, University of Turku, Finland, April 21, 2021.
Knowledge Circulation and Network Analysis 3 hour lecture and workshop in connection with Cultural Data Analytics I course, Tallinn University, Estonia, April 16, 2021.
Modernization and the Soviet Union –section (together with Sari Autio-Sarasmo and Ira Jänis-Isokangas) of Digital Transformation of State and Society in Russia course, organized by Daria Gritsenko, Helsinki Summer School, Master’s Programme on Russian Studies, August 6-22, 2019.
Historiaa digitaalisten silmälasien läpi (in English: History through Digital Glasses) –lecture in ”Teoriat historiantutkimuksessa” (Theories in History Research) course, History Masters’ Studies, University of Helsinki, April 25, 2019.
Mitä on Topic modeling? [in English: What is Topic Modeling?] Joint lecture together with Reetta Sippola, Johdatus digitaalisiin ihmistieteisiin [in English: Introduction to Digital Humanities] -lecture course, University of Turku, Finland, January 29, 2019.
Ulkomaankauppaa à la Itäblokki. Lobbausta, kilpailua ja markkinointikikkoja puolalaisten vaateviennissä Neuvostoliittoon, [in English: Foreign Trade à la Eastern Bloc. Polish Lobbying, competition and marketing tricks on the Soviet market], public lecture of the Turku History Association, Turku Public Library, October 3, 2018.
Year 1968 in Eastern Europe. One-day seminar of year 1968, April 20, 2018, Cultural History, University of Turku.
Toimintatilaa! Puolalaisten vaatteiden mainonta Neuvostoliiton markkinoilla 1949-1961. (In English: Action Space! Advertising of Polish Clothes on the Soviet Market 1949-1961.) A lecture at the ExpREES Summer school August 30, 2017.
Topic modeling with Mallet, tutorial, Culture Analytics long program at the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM) at the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA), April 6, 2016.
Introductory lecture (with Professor Hannu Salmi) and Lecture on Topic Modeling in Digitaalinen murros ja historioitsijan käytännöt (In English: Digitalization and historian’s Methods), course October-December 2015, Cultural History, University of Turku. Video of the lecture.
Poland and Europe –lecture as part of Historical and Contemporary Perspectives of the Eastern Enlargement course, November 27, 2015. A Jean Monnet -course held jointly with the researchers of East Central Europe of the Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki.
Poland – Strongly European lecture as part of course “Being of Becoming European”, November 2014 (video lecture) and November 15th, 2013, Aleksanteri Institute, ECEBB.
Consumer Culture in the Soviet Union, lecture at course “Consumerism in Russia”, March 18, 2013, University of Tampere.
Markkinointia SEV:issä? Tarkastelussa puolalaisten vaatteiden vienti Neuvostoliitton 1950-1970-luvuilla. A lecture held in 27th September 2011, as a part of a course Kilpailu sosialismissa at the University of Helsinki.
The Limits and Possibilities of Action of the Alternative Cultural Sphere in the Socialist Poland -lecture 11.9.2007 as part of course Formation of Civil Society in the Socialist Era. Aleksanteri Institute, ECEBB.
Organizing the Network Studies of Culture, Culture Analytics online workshop at the DH2020 conference together with Clarisse Bardiot, John Laudun and Mathieu Jacomy. July 21, 2020.
Culture Analytics – Time Series one-day workshop, co-organized with Clarisse Bardiot and John Laudun, DH2019, Utrecht, the Netherlands, July 9, 2019.
Venäjän tutkimuksen digitaaliset välineet [in English: Digital Research Methods in Russian Studies] Venäjän tutkimuksen digitaaliset aineistot ja välineet työpaja [in English: Workshop on Digital Data and Methods in Russian Studies], Aleksanteri foorumi, University of Helsinki, May 9, 2019.
Digital History Workshop, organizing and supervising a workshop where history scholars collaborated with digital research method specialists. Aalto University, May 16-17, 2018.
Digital Research method Workshop Roadshow, a tour at the universities of Oulu, Jyväskylä, Eastern Finland, Turku, Tampere and Helsinki, organizing and giving a workshop “From Archival documents to Dots in the Map”, January-February 2018.
Digital Research Methods meet Russia and Eastern Europe, Organizing the workshop and giving the opening talk, December 9, 2016, Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki.
Digicoffee, organizing a discussion forum for scholars doing research on Russia and Eastern Europe, 2013-2015.
Open Science in the Digital Era – data, research and open access publishing, organizing the lectures and workshop at the Aleksanteri Institute, September 20th, 2013.
Digital Academia workshop, organizing the workshop at the Aleksanteri Institute, March 22nd, 2013.
I supervised a master´s thesis on cultural differences in Polish-Finnish companies, 2013-2014. University of Helsinki, Department of Modern Languages/West and South Slavonic Languages and Cultures.